Greece Dissemination
DISSEMINATION ACTIVITIES - FOLLOW UP of the "RE-Connect with Nature protecting the Environment for Inner Health" Youth programme (INPLANET)
Activity 1:
INPLANET's president Mr Dimitris Souliotis under the cooperation frame of INPLANET and the Vocational Training Institute of Glyfada, presented the programme during the annual Erasmus+ event which organized by the Institute with participation of more than 100 students.
The event took place at Glyfada at 23 of June 2022. At the event we presented the Erasmus+ Youth programs which the students can take part. We presented also the Youth programs that INPLANET organized and took part and the future programs during 2022.
These programs are:
- 2021-1-EL02-KA153-YOU-000004149 «Innovation through Thinking Out of the Box». The program implemented at Glyfada the last week of April 2022.
- 2021-1-CY02-KA153-YOU-000003570, RE-Connect with Nature protecting the Environment For Inner Health. The program was implemented during the event and the students had the opportunity to see photos and videos from the Facebook group of the program.
- 2021-1-EL02-KA152-YOU-000003320 «ACT BEFORE CLIMATE CHANGE, CHANGE OUR LIVES». The program will be implementing in July at Kato Alissos - Patra.
- 2021-2-EL02-KA153-YOU-000038531 "GREEN INNOVATION AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY" The program will be implementing at the end of July - beginning of August at Parnitha Athens.
- 2021-2-EL02-KA153-YOU-000038430 «IMPROVEMENT OF MENTAL HEALTH AFTER A LOCK DOWN». The program will be implementing at Glyfada, in August 2022.
During the presentation the students had the opportunity to learn about Youth programs and how they can take part.
Activity 2:
INPLANET created a video about the project. The video is uploaded in the YouTube Channel of INPLANET
The video is
also uploaded at the site and the Facebook page of INPLANET.
Activity 3:
The participant Giannos Theodoulou presented the program RE-Connect with Nature protecting the Environment For Inner Health, at the participants of the Environmental Academy of the Skyros Project. The Academy took place at the island of Skyros during the period 4 - 10 of July 2022 with 30 students mainly from the University of West Attika. During the Academy works Mr Theodoulou Giannos worked with the students on the subject of Trash Art as an art that is directly connected with environment and mental health. Students had also the opportunity to learn about Erasmus+ Youth programs.
Activity 4:
INPLANET is partner organization in the Erasmus+ Sport project under the title Let The Disabled Join the Board. During the period 4 - 8 of July 2022 INPLANET organized the second meeting of the project in Athens with participation of 20 people from the organizations that are partners in the program. The organizations are coming from the countries Turkey, Italy, Bulgaria and Greece. During the meeting we presented all the programs we are working as coordinators or as partners. One of these was the RE-Connect with Nature protecting the Environment For Inner Health, program.

Links for dissemination:
Video of the project:
Impressions of the participants (Participants reviews):
My name is Giannos Theothoulou and I participated in the RE-Connect with Nature protecting the Environment for Inner Health Erasmus program. It was the first time I participated in a program like this and I can say it was a really nice experience. Everything was really well organized, the workshops were really interesting and helpful, the organization provided us all the information we needed and I made many friends. I would love to participate in a similar program in the future and I would totally recommend it to others that are thinking about joining. A unique experience!!! We thank all those who contributed Constantina Skanavis, Dimitris Souliotis, Nikolas Nikolaou to meet in Cyprus and meet up close, new people from different countries, new ideas and new ways of communication. We exchanged opinions and concerns with the aim of highlighting the importance of the natural environment and the need to protect it. Thank you very much!!!
Μy name is Aggeliki Kouna and I participated in RE-Connect with Nature protecting the Environment for Inner Health Erasmus program, I had an amazing time meeting new people from other countries and also all the activities we did. I met people from other countries and I wish one day to see them again. Loved every moment there the parties the studies the different languages, cultures, I will never forget this. It was something different and I would like to participate in such a program again in the future.
My name is Panagiota Mparmpouti-Mpaloti. My experience was very special and I would definitely go again. Specifically all the activities and the participants were enjoyable and friendly. And some of the activities useful for my future. I would definitely like to have such an experience again.
My name is Chrysoula Sardi and it was my first time taking part in Youth programme. It was a very nice, different and interesting experience for me.