Our Team
Project Manager: Nikolas Nikolaou
Nikolas Nikolaou (president of NGO ACPELIA) will have the main coordination of the program and actually, he is the one that he will have in mind the whole procedure with partners organisations and he is going to keep timetable as an expert project manager. Due to the fact that he is successful as a coach and organizer in his personal life as we can see from the small CV that follows he is going to have 2 evenings training of youth workers about his experience in coaching.
President of our Organization (Mr Nikolas Nikolaou, physics teacher in high school, BSC, MSc in Chemical Engineering National Technical University of Athens and MSc, BSc in the University of Cyprus at Physics department) has previous experience by taking part in many seminars and actions related to Environment, Non-Formal Education, Entrepreneurship and Discrimination. He organized and participated in more than 20 European programs which are doing with Non-Formal Education (KA105, KA205, KA229, Youth In Action) as well as several local environmental and Science projects with groups of young people, many of them can be found in his website: www.nikolas-nikolaou.net. Also, Nikolas is coordinating the biggest students and teacher annual Conference about Natural Sciences that is a yearly conference in Cyprus with the participation of more than 1000 students and more than 300 teachers. He manages to coach a team of the organising committee and to make them all do well for 10 years now that is taking place the Conference starting alone and now has a big team to coordinate.

Assistant Project Manager: Evangelia Nikolaou
Evangelia Nikolaou will have the main coordination of the program and she is the one that she will have in mind the whole procedure with partners organisations, and she is going to keep timetable as a project manager. She graduated from the University of Hertfordshire with a first-class honours degree in Philosophy with Media enrolling in a Postgraduate Philosophy course at the University of Bristol on the strength of a fully-funded scholarship. As a youth worker, she was physically involved in the following Erasmus Plus Projects: Biodiversity of Rivers (Romania, 2014), Climate Changes as Fast as Fashion (Cyprus, 2014), Non-Formal Environmental Education (Cyprus, 2015), Save Our Environment Save Ourselves (2018-2019), Act for Changes (2021), Out of the Box (Cyprus, 2021), Another way (Italy, 2021).
Trainer: Erma Georgiou

Erma Georgiou has a great passion for the development of individuals as well as groups, and this is the reason that she decided to become a facilitator at Acpelia. She gained a BA in Theatre Studies from the University of Athens and then graduated from the drama school of G. Armenia. She is also registered as a yoga and meditation teacher from yoga Alliance Institute and has attended various seminars on theatrical techniques such as physical theatre, voice lessons e.t.c.But, she always searching for ways to empower people and find therapy through arts and therefore she attended drama therapy lessons. She has worked with children of refugee background in Elix N.G.O at Athens and she attended the workshop "Facilitate Teachers using the arts in working with groups" from the P.Y.E organization and she was impressed by the creativity of the process as well as the potential of arts to empower people. Shortly thereafter, she joined the Erasmus Plus non-formal education program called "How to be a mentor" in Lithuania. This program enabled her to see deeper that empowering others is the direction that she wishes to grow professionally. During this programme, she gained skills and competencies such as the ability to commit to supporting, inspiring and motivating a positive outlook for the future.
Afterwards, she found a creative program called "Mnimosini" at Hellenic Youth Participation, a group that the participants connect to each other through various artistic activities such as dance, drama therapy, expression in painting and movement etc in order to create local art actions exploring the idea of identity and transformation. Last year, representing SEAL CYPRUS in the trainers' training "Dramatize" in Ukraine gave her the opportunity to expand in both a professional and personal level while acquiring tools in which she can bring together both her passion for theatre as well as her passion to empower people and organizations. Last but not least, she educated and certified as a Manadoob educator, a social-emotional program that empowers and enrich the lives of children and at this moment she attends an online course "Introduction to Dialogue Facilitation", a useful tool for every facilitator.
Trainer: Kyriakos Stouppas
Youth Worker, active in the field of Non-formal Education since 2013. He is a certified trainer, facilitator and project coordinator. Participated in and organized numerous local and international projects under the Erasmus+ and other youth-related educational projects (Study visits, outdoor activities, sports events, seminars, camping, festivals, online events).

He is also the founder and the main promoter/multiplier of the biggest local youth-related opportunities social media page ''See Why". He is an active citizen, member and volunteer on many local organizations, passionate about lifelong learning and he always challenges himself with new competencies development. Areas of his expertise are environment, human rights, social inclusion, peace education, active citizenship, youth participation, youth empowerment, social entrepreneurship, sustainable development and NFL through outdoor activities.