— Basic elements of the activity—
All the indoor activities are going to be implemented in which is the place that will host the activity. So, in the following sessions are described in detail the different sessions of the activity with the use of the different elements
- The main purpose of this seminar is to remind us how connected we are all with Mother Earth. An absolute natural process that we have lost to a great extent, living in the noise of cities. Research in a growing scientific field called ecotherapy has shown a strong connection between time spent in nature and reduced stress, anxiety, and depression. Also, shows that taking the time to notice "everyday nature" can boost mental health and well-being. According to a new study published in The Journal of Positive Psychology, it was discovered that tiny moments spent appreciating everyday nature can have many individual and social benefits.
- The healing power of nature recognizes the body's inherent ability to heal itself. This begins at the cellular level. The building blocks of the body - cells - are dynamic, living units that are constantly working toward self-repair and regeneration. If you spend time in nature, you've probably noticed that you feel happier out there than in here. One of the better-known theories, the "biophilia hypothesis," suggests that we love nature because we evolved in it. We need it for our psychological well-being because it's in our DNA.
- Another goal of the project is to help the participants fully realise the threads to our earth and the scale of harm if we are continuing to live as we are. Now more than ever, it is important that we understand the impact our actions have on the environment. To become more environmentally aware, we also need to take measures to protect the planet and hopefully undo some of the damage already caused by human activity. For this reason, we prepared many green activities that the participants will have the opportunity not only to know the threads of the environment but also to work together and to prepare a presentation with solutions that are harmless as much as possible and also the importance to spread the environmental awareness in order to pass to the future generations.
- Create cultural awareness among participants to ensure the best possible outcomes of the project, the priority is to practice activities that will create cultural awareness among participants as well as team spirit and positive energy. For this reason, before every session, morning, and afternoon, we will do energizers in a fun and creative way to involve participants, as well as some team building activities. Also, cultural nights will be organized for all the participants to present their cultures and traditions.
- Provide the relevant knowledge and involve participants in activities that will enable them to criticize and attempt to eliminate any form of discrimination. During the Training, we will make a lot of activities with role-playing and group discussions that involve participants in scenarios of different types of discrimination either in personal or professional life. Every activity includes reflection time at the end where ways of fighting discrimination and learning outcomes will be discussed. The activities to achieve the above objective are the below: One Step Forward, Non- Verbal Communication activity, Mindfulness & Yoga activities, Breathing Activities
The different activities are
scheduled in a way that will facilitate the purpose of the training and lead to
the best possible results. We have a lot of mindfulness and breathing
activities in nature that will help the participants to ground themselves and
to live in the moment, to reduce the stress and anxiety, to be more creative
and create a deeper understanding of themselves and others. Group
mindfulness allows you to see your struggles with the mind, reflected in your
pears. In this way, the participants will bond with each other, develop trust,
feel more comfortable and have better communication. This empowers them to make
changes and build their areas of strength, as well as identify areas where they
would like to make improvements. Self-awareness is often the first step to
setting goals and making positive changes for your life and the place we live